How does V-Tap licensing work?

V-Tap Analog can upload recordings to a central database, Apresa (stand alone call recorder) or V-Archive (pc software). The V-Tap Analog needs at least one Apresa or PC channel license, before the V-Tap Analog can record your calls. These licenses are filled in in the web interface of the V-Tap, not in V-Archive or Apresa. At least one license is already active on purchase. This license has been activated by Vidicode, the manufacturer.

Installation of the V-Tap Analog.
Install the V-Tap Analog (hardware) as explained in the manual of the V-Tap Analog. Insert an SD card, otherwise the V-Tap Analog cannot create recordings and store them. For analog lines, connect the V-Tap Analog between the line and the phone. For recording from other phones with a corded handset, connect the V-Tap Analog between the phone and the handset to receive analog audio.

Installation of V-Archive and V-Tap Analog.
Do you have a “Recording License for use with PC software”? Then do the following. To setup V-Archive, go to the Options menu and select Setup. Click the Recording tab. Tick the box Accept connections from V-Tap. Fill in the port number or leave it at the default (2016).
Open the web interface of the V-Tap. Fill in the Tunnel Server Address. This is the IP address of the PC running V-Archive. Fill in the Tunnel Destination Port or leave it at the default. Use the same port number you have entered in the V-Archive software (e.g. 2016). Don’t use Tunnel Data Encryption yet, but first test if V-Archive receives data and new recordings appear in V-Archive’s list.
Note: if V-Archive does not receive any data, check if your antivirus software is blocking the port (e.g. 2016).

After a Microsoft Office update or a Windows update, the V-Archive software doesn’t start.

You can download the latest version of the V-Archive software here.

Setting up Call Recorder Apresa and V-Tap Analog.
Do you have a “Recording License for use with APRESA”? Then do the following. To setup the Apresa to act as a Tunnel server for a V-Tap, go to System settings, Network tab and check the box “V-Tap”. Fill in the port number or leave it at the default (2016).
Open the web interface of the V-Tap. Fill in the Tunnel Server Address. This is the IP address of the Call Recorder Apresa. Fill in the Tunnel Destination Port or leave it at the default. Use the same port number you have entered in the Apresa. Don’t use Tunnel Data Encryption yet, but first test if Apresa receives data and new recordings appear in Home screen of Apresa.

Is it necessary to connect the V-Tap to the PC via USB?

No, but an USB connection to the PC will make the installation of the V-Archive software easier.

Does the V-Tap Analog need a network connection?

The V-Tap needs a network connection to upload recordings to a central database. This is V-Archive on a PC or to Call Recorder Apresa. Without a network connection, the V-Tap will still store recordings on its internal storage (SD card).

How can I reach the V-Tap web interface to change the V-Tap settings?

Open the Settings page of the V-Tap in a browser at or http://vtapXXXX.local. Replace the XXXX with the last 4 digits of the MAC address, found on the bottom of the V-Tap. For example, if the MAC address of the V-Tap is 00034901019E, visit http://vtap019e.local to reach the V-Tap settings. Note: the IP can be reached from a device that has an IP in the same range. Therefore it is recommended to change the IP address of the V-Tap to an address that is in the same range as the IP address of the PC running V-Archive. For example, a V-Tap at can communicate with a PC at

How can I change the IP address of the V-Tap?

Go to the web interface of the V-Tap. Fill in the new IP address, which should be in the same range as the IP of the PC that is running V-Archive. You can turn on DHCP instead. In that case, V-Tap will try to get an IP address directly from the DHCP server.

Defining a fixed IP address using an SD card:
• Create the text file “IP.TXT” on your PC.
• The first line in this file must hold the IP address. The second line is optional and can hold the IP mask.
• Copy “IP.TXT” to the root directory of an SD card.
• Insert the SD card into the V-Tap unit. The IP address has now changed and can be accessed.
• The file “IP.TXT” is deleted from the card by the V-Tap.
• Note: The IP address enables DHCP on the V-Tap.

Error in V-Archive: Cannot open database recinfo.mdb

The error message will show the complete path. For example “Cannot open database at C:\vtapfolder\recinfo.mdb”.

• Make sure the Windows user has the appropriate rights to the folder (C:\vtapfolder in this example).
• or start V-Archive as administrator
• or choose another suitable folder during installation, where the Windows user has the appropriate rights to.

Can I use the V-Tap Analog without inserting an SD card?

No, the recordings are stored on the SD card. When there is a connection established, they are uploaded to V-Archive or Call Recorder Apresa. The recordings on the SD card are stored in wav file format.

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